Friday, February 20, 2015

Catcher In The Rye Exam Questions

1.)Where does Holden go to school?

2.)What does Holden's famous brother do?

3.) Why do you think J.D. Salinger uses the word "crap" in the first sentence of the story?

4.)Is Holden telling the story as he's going or has the story already happened and he is telling it from the future?

5.)What two people help Holden discover himself?

6.)What happened to Holden's little brother?

7.)Why does Holden judge people in his head?

8.)Who does Holden go on a date with?

9.)Who gets mad because of the date?

10.)Why does Holden say its do damn hot when Akeley walks into the room?

11.)What do Stadlater and Akeley have in common?

12.)What does Holden call his hat?

13.)Who does Holden fight?

14.)Where does Holden go after the fight?

15.)What does a man tell Holden in the elevator at the hotel?

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